By: Sam Centerbar & Anna Dravland
We’re here to save you from the algorithms and help get you a news feed that won’t give you a headache.
Are you over it already with the whole Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard public displays of deception?
Us too.
Didn’t we JUST GET DONE with reruns of Oscar’s shenanigans & seemingly endless play by plays of Will Smith, smacking the monologue right out of Chris Rock’s mouth over a joke he didn’t jive with?
And the whole world went, “WHOA. This seems like important breaking news.” Five seconds of two men in their fifties having the tiniest “fight” ever.
And it went viral internationally? Of course it did. It was on LITERALLY every news station.
“It’s crazy!” You tell yourself, “That’s it. I’m done! I am DONE giving my attention to this nonsense.” You feel like throwing your phone hearing celebrity scandal after scandal reported as NEWS?
But then later, your bored self just jumps right down that celeb-scandal rabbit hole…
So what can you do? Here’s how to put yourself back in the driver's seat of the content you see and engage with…
Introducing: The Youtube Clickbait Cleanse. #youtubeclickbaitcleanse
Our goal isn’t to shame you for occasionally enjoying a good celebrity side-boob slip… (but also really? Really? Do we need that?)
We simply want to help you take ownership of the content that comes your way. To do that, follow these 7 steps and watch your newsfeed, and your attitude, change right before your eyes:
Step 1:
YouTube gives suggested videos at the top of your home page screen. Select the three dots next to the video you’d prefer not to see and select “not interested” or “don’t show channel” anymore.
Voila! It’s “unsubscribe” for videos! Thanks, YouTube.
Step 2:
When you see a video you do like, take the time to like it. Reward the content you admire. Let’s celebrate heroes, teachers, and do-gooders of the world.
Step 3:
If you find yourself consistently liking the work of a Youtube creator— subscribe to their channel. It tells Youtube to show their content to more people (because algorithms). Plus, your click helps make them money! (“Dolla dolla clicks, y’all!”)
Step 4:
Leave a comment on a video that brightened your day and thank the people who made it. It will make their day. And also your future days, as you gradually start to curate more clickbait that inspires you. (Hooray!)
Step 5:
Do a self-assessment: What does entertain me? What do I want to learn about? Am I interested in what’s going viral?... Why? Am I letting clickbait tell ME what to click on?
Step 6:
Is your comment making a difference? Are you trying to affect positive change? If not, your engagement may actually backfire, and give that pointless post more attention than it deserves. Even worse, your comment could result in you seeing MORE of what you don’t want! (Ugh)
And lastly,
Step 7:
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up and click on something juicy.
Just like junk food, stories that make us angry, shocked, or stupefied, are sometimes interesting, pleasurable, and irresistible …We’re only human, right?
BUT, if you’re feeling frustrated with your feed, try the Youtube Clickbait Cleanse, and if a week from today, you don’t feel happier on Youtube, feel free to go back to your old impulse-clicking ways. (But we think the results might surprise you!)
Now that you know what it is, are you ready to try the Youtube Clickbait Cleanse? Reset your algorithms & get back to the good stuff!
#clickresponsibly #kindnessismyclickbait #curateyourclickbait